Letters of Note:

In March of 1961, nine years after the publication of Charlotte’s Web, author E. B. White received a letter from a young fan named Cathy Durham who wanted to know when, if ever, his next children’s book would see the light of day.

Little did Cathy know that White hadn’t written another book yet because the fan mail he was getting after writing Charlotte’s Web had been taking up most of his time and creative energy.

Click through for the letter White wrote to Cathy as well as the letter he sent to Cathy’s librarian.

The Morning Mail Is My Enemy

Who knows where they came up with that name, but Glacier is a new, extremely low-cost data storage service from Amazon. The reason it’s so cheap is because it’s meant for archiving and long-term storage of data that you don’t expect to access very often.

Storage costs are just $0.01/GB. That’s 9.3x cheaper than Amazon’s Reduced Redundancy Storage and 12.5x cheaper than their Standard Storage. And Glacier gives you get the same data durability and reliability of the Standard Storage (99.999999999% durability).

The first thing I thought when reading about Glacier was, Hellooooo Arq. I already use Arq to backup my most important files to Amazon S3, but it’d be stellar if I could use it backup my entire MacBook Air while also reducing my S3 bill. A complete backup of my Air to Amazon’s rock-solid, encrypted, redundant data centers would only cost me $2.50/month. That’s crazy!

I got in touch with Stefan Reitshamer, the developer behind Arq, to ask about Arq’s future support of Glacier. He’s done more reading than I have about just exactly how Glacier works, and it won’t be as simple as it may sound.

There are a few factors that make the storing and retrieving of data on Glacier not as straightforward as it is on S3. The biggest factor being the retrieval cost. There’s a discussion on Hacker News about it and it’s not quite clear just how much it would cost to retrieve all your data, but it looks like it wouldn’t be cheap.

Amazon Glacier

Paul Miller:

For me, my time is no longer defined by the fact that it’s spent without the internet. It’s simply my time, and I have to fill it. The luxury that no internet has afforded me is that I feel like I have more time to fill, and fewer ways to fill it. It’s the boredom and lack of stimulation that drives me to do things I really care about, like writing and spending time with others.

Using the “the-iPhone-is-the-cigarette-of-this-century” analogy, Paul quit smoking and now he can breathe better and exercise easier, etc. We all need time to let our mind be bored, and I think the iPhone is one of the biggest enemies to that. But it’s not the iPhone’s fault — it’s our own fault.

What Paul is discovering — and he admits this: “‘Disconnecting’ and ‘disconnected’ are two very different things” — is that going on an Internet sabbatical is not the way we make time to do other valuable things (like having face-to-face conversations, reading those books you’ve always wanted to read, and writing more). Rather, we make time by making time and then having some self control about it.

(Also, we can all see and chuckle at the irony that Paul’s update about being offline was posted to the Verge website, right?)

Paul Miller’s 3-Month Update of How It’s Going Being Totally Offline

Cal Newport writes about his daily “shutdown” technique. It’s not unlike what Aaron and Dave talked about on episode 6 of their Home Work podcast, which spurred me to start a new habit of jotting down the mental loose ends of my day and basically debriefing myself so that when I step away from my computer for the day my mind is clear.

(This of course should not be confused with trying to kick out the top idea in your mind.)

Work Less to Work Better

Jason Fried:

Change is important. When we were growing up, we got summers off from school. Summer vacation was change. It was something to look forward to. A few months of something different really meant a lot.

We grow out of a lot as we grow up. One of the most unfortunate things we leave behind is a regular dose of change. Nowhere is this more evident than at work.

Work in February is the same as work in May. June’s the same as October. And it would be hard to tell August from April.

To step out from behind the curtain for a moment and be transparent with you guys, what Jason writes about here has been one of the biggest challenges I’ve been learning to navigate ever since I took this site full time.

I haven’t taken a complete break from this site since I started it 18 months ago. Even on vacation I steal away for an hour or two every day to read and write a bit (and I’m not talking about recreational reading and writing).

Because, in a way, I don’t work for myself. I work for you, dear readers and members. And if I don’t visibly show up every day by posting something, there’s a sense that I’m not working.

Of course, in reality, I doubt any of you are thinking that. But that’s what I assume you’re thinking even though I should know better.

I know how to invest my time in the long-term growth, innovation, and quality of this site. But often it’s the short-term expectations or the seemingly urgent events that take hold of my attention. And, if not that, then it’s the fear that taking a complete break from work (or taking time away from publishing something in favor of working on a different project) will be perceived as laziness. What? Nothing new on shawnblanc.net today? I thought this guy was full-time. Sheesh. What a bum.

In short, I wonder if I would do better, more challenging, and more exciting work if the value and consistency of that work was not measured in 24-hour cycles.

Be More Productive. Take Time Off.

My thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring the RSS feed this week. I have heard nothing but great things about version 6, and many of my tech-savvy friends have begun using it. If you’re in need of a sturdy and classy website and you don’t want to self-manage everything, you should definitely check out Squarespace 6.

Design a visually rich website with magazine-quality layouts that scale to any screen size — all without touching a line of code. Squarespace 6 is a revolutionary new website creation platform with over 50 new features. Squarespace’s breakthrough LayoutEngine technology allows anyone to create visually-rich pages with any configuration of text, images, or blocks by dragging items exactly where you want them.

The platform comes equipped with 20 new, fully-customizable templates and offers sophisticated media management, a robust blogging engine, deep social network integration, real-time statistics, multiple author support, and more.

Try Squarespace 6 today and get a free 14-day trial.

Sponsorship by The Syndicate

Sponsor: Squarespace 6

Loren Donelson:

Since I’m noodling a move back to iOS, I thought I’d make a list of things that I’ll miss about Android — things that might make my shiny new iPhone 5 end up on Ebay.

His list is spot on for several of the things I’ve found Android does better or makes easier than iOS. Interestingly, he doesn’t mention Notification Center which I find to be far and away more intuitive and usable on Android than on iOS.

Loren Donelson Is Considering iOS After Three Years With Android

Twitter, Advertisers, Users, and Third-party Devs (in that order)

What makes Twitter great is this: it doesn’t matter how many people join the service, or how asinine the trending topics are, because for you it’s only as big or small or smart or silly as who you follow.

I never cared how many celebrities joined, because I don’t follow them (well, I follow some of the cool ones). And so for me Twitter is as small and relevant and interesting now as when I first signed up in March of 2007.

Over the years, Twitter has grown and improved immensely. Twitter is huge now, and that is thanks in a large part to its early adopters and 3rd-party developers.

As Craig Hockenberry, Ben Brooks, and many others have pointed out, some of the best core features of Twitter were invented by users and developers:

It is sad and frustrating to see Twitter try and scare away third-party developers. It is equally frustrating to see their continued commitment to put sponsored content into our Twitter streams. Actions which mean the user experience of many millions of Twitter users who use 3rd-party apps (and I would argue this group makes up the vast majority of the most active and prolific users) will no doubt be seriously degraded in the months and years ahead.

To be fair, as users we have had free access to use Twitter as we see fit. For years our Twitter experience was ad free. Heck, for those of us who use 3rd-party apps exclusively our experience is still ad free. We have been able to freely use Twitter to our enjoyment and to our profit.

And so, what is saddening about all this is not just that Twitter seeks to clamp down on 3rd-party apps in the name of a “consistent Twitter experience“. Nor am I all that frustrated that Twitter wants to integrate ads into my timeline.

What is sad is that as long-time and active users, we’re given no choice in the matter. We must suffer the official clients and we must suffer ads.

So why not let us pay for the ad-free, 3rd-party Twitter experience we have long enjoyed?

  • Instapaper offers a $1/month subscription which allows you to use one of the non-official Instapaper clients and to hide the ads on the Instapaper website.

  • Amazon sells their Kindles with special offers, but if you don’t want to see the ads then you have to pay $30 extra.

But I am sure that option will never manifest. Because if Twitter offered an option to upgrade to an ad-free timeline it would hinder the sales of ads. The sheer virtue of the fact that a portion of Twitter’s user base was paying to not see ads would stand as proof that promoted tweets are not a part the ideal “Twitter experience”.

Moreover, it would mean that advertising partners would be buying ad spots that wouldn’t be guaranteed not to be seen by certain users. Of which those users would clearly be the most active and engaged.

If Twitter is going to sell ads they have to go all in. We knew it was coming, and now we know it’s only going to get worse. We can suffer through it or we can move on to something else.

Twitter, Advertisers, Users, and Third-party Devs (in that order)

Chris Bowler (he wrote this over a year ago, but it sounds like he wrote it this morning):

Twitter spent the early years building up as many users as possible — due in large part to the third party apps that accessed the service — and decided to put off figuring out how to make money off of their service until later. Now that they have the users, they seem to have no remorse about commoditizing those users and cutting out the very people that helped Twitter become what it is.

And be sure to read the concluding paragraph in Chris’ article. He hits on the same reason that I (and probably many of you) find this transition to be so frustrating.

Users Now, Money Later

Paul Haddad on why Twitter’s API changes won’t have a massive, world-ending impact on Tweetbot:

  • Our user cap for Tweetbot for iOS is pretty huge (which is 2* our current users, not 100k)
  • At the current rate our user base is growing we won’t hit that cap for a few years
  • Our user cap for Tweetbot for Mac is also large and we don’t expect any problems given the smaller market
  • Even if we were to run out of room all our current users will be fine
Don’t Panic (About Twitter’s New API)