From the FeedBurner blog:
Beginning yesterday, two of FeedBurner’s previously for-pay services, TotalStats and MyBrand, will be free.
What I like about feedburner is (1) you can set it and forget it; (2) easy stat tracking.
FeedBurner Stats PRO You will now have access to the number of people who have viewed or clicked individual content items in your feed and “Reach,” which estimates the daily number of subscribers who interacted with your feed content.
MyBrand: Lets you maintain consistency between your feed address and your hosted website’s domain, if matchy-matchy is your thing.
It took me less than a minute to set up the Stat’s PRO on both my sites. It will be interesting to see how their tracking compares with Mint.
I already use Steve’s Feedsmith plugin] to re-direct this site’s feed through feedburner. I’m not sure if the “My Brand” link is worth the touble or not to set up. I had to send an email to FeedBurner requesting to set it up.
after newly activating either of these features or services, you’ll notice a nifty new “PRO” badge next to your feed(s) on My Feeds page.
Their way of now saying that “everyone” is special.