A Time Management Myth

Myth: “Taking the time to schedule my time is a waste of time — the schedule never works out perfectly anyway”

This common myth is tricky because there is some truth mixed in with it.

While it’s true that a schedule never works out perfectly (nobody’s does — the mess of real life always plays a factor).


  • With a schedule you’ve got a plan for when you’re going to do work that matters. This means you’re FAR MORE LIKELY to do the most important work in your day.
  • With a schedule you can budget the time you need for other important activities ( family, exercise, rest). And these are HUGE contributors to your overall health and baseline level of happiness.

It’s okay if your schedule doesn’t work out perfectly. In fact, that’s normal. Your schedule is just a blueprint for how you’re hoping to spend your day. It keeps you moving forward and helps you stay proactive instead of reactive with your time. When things come up, take longer or shorter, etc. that’s fine. Just roll with it.

A Time Management Myth

The Mere Urgency Effect

Billy Oppenheimer put together an excellent summary of some pretty alarming findings from this research study. In short, when folks have a task list that is full of various “levels” of to-do items — some that are important, some that aren’t, some that are urgent right now, some that aren’t — folks end up prioritizing only the tasks that are urgent right now but are not very important at all.

(Inside the Focus Course, we have a simple framework for eliminating Urgency Mindset and the Urgency Effect for you and your organization.)

The Mere Urgency Effect

The Power of Goal Setting for Your Business

Goals give you a direction and help you make progress. If you had to stop everything you were doing and could only pursue one goal what would that be?

If your organization is spending time on things that are not important, it will be nearly impossible to maintain motivation for yourself and your team; it will be difficult to find enjoyment within the tensions and pressures of business.

When you can get clear about your goals, you can get clear about the action you need to take. Goals help you and your team move from a passive / reactive state to an intentional and proactive one.

PS: If you’re a business owner, next week I’m hosting a two day intensive for business owners only. Find out more here.

The Power of Goal Setting for Your Business

Margin reduces stress and increases productivity

I recently came across this article showing how stress rises when you’re in back-to-back-to-back meetings. But the thing that really stood out to me was how individual productivity doubled as meetings were reduced.

If you’re in too many meetings, it may be a symptom of a bigger issue. When there are too many meetings it means there is a lack of clarity and focus. And so meetings end up becoming a short-term, band-aid solution for trying to develop vision and strategy and get things done.

  • Make a decision about something
  • Make progress on a specific work task / project that requires real-time collaboration
  • Celebrate and connect as a team

P.S. Speaking of Margin… in a few weeks we will be kicking off our Margin Reset booster for the 300 members inside the new Focus Accelerator membership. ?

Margin reduces stress and increases productivity