Brett Terpstra is one of the good guys, and he just recently left his job at AOL to spend more time writing, podcasting, and developing apps.

The leap to working full-time for yourself at home isn’t an easy one (and it’s not for everyone). I applaud Brett for making the move when he felt the time was right. To help make it work, you can support Brett directly though a membership.

I signed up to support Brett for a couple of reasons:

  • For one, I know first hand just how vital the small support of a lot of readers is to making ends meet. There is no way I’d still be here today, three years later, if it weren’t for the subscribing members of this site.

  • Secondly, I signed up to support Brett because he is one of the good guys. He makes some incredible software and services that he gives away for free, and some of the I use every single day (such as nvALT, Text Expander tools, and his App icon grabber). I’d love for him to keep making that software.

Brett Terpstra Goes Indie