It was 1993 when Ron Avitzur learned that his project had been canceled by Apple. He was now unemployed, but also young and determined. He decided to “uncancle” it.

Sneaking into work daily, he bootstrapped a team of likeminded people (both employed, and sneaks like himself) to finish the app. Graphing Calculator 1.0 eventually went on to ship with more than 20 million Macs despite never officially existing.

If you have a why, you can endure almost any how. Permission is overrated.

We’re called Paste, and we like this story a whole lot.

[Sponsor] Paste Interactive

Well said, Ian Hines:

Though I’m sure that you — like me — are familiar with the historical themes surrounding and emanating from the Declaration, you’ll likely find that reading the document itself reveals yet another important layer: beauty. Put simply, the Declaration of Independence is one of the most beautifully written pieces of English prose that I have ever read.

The Exquisite Prose of the Declaration of Independence

A huge thanks to Evan Calkins for sponsoring the RSS feed this week to promote his company Hoban Press, and his fine product: Hoban Cards.

When I was going to WWDC I knew I’d be passing out business cards and I wanted something that was top notch. More than that, I wanted the best cards in San Francisco. And thanks to Evan’s handiwork I did have the best cards in town.

Most people don’t pass out many business cards these days. And so when you do, why not hand out something conversation worthy?

If you’ve ever wanted letterpressed calling cards but have been held back by price, then you should check out Hoban Cards. Each calling card is hand printed on a 1902 Chandler and Price letterpress, using 110lb stock. For $75 you get 100 cards with your name and either your email or phone number. That is a great deal for such a fine product.

Hoban Cards

So far as I can tell, Paper Mache by Ryan Watkins is the only Instapaper app for webOS that is designed for the TouchPad. Moreover it’s free. And moreover again, it’s well done and does Instapaper proud.

Paper Mache