Eighteen months ago a handful of readers had a fun time taking a 7-question survey regarding shawnblanc.net. At that time this site was eight months old, had about 1,500 feed subscribers, and I was in the middle of my software review kick.

Now this weblog is over two years old with about 4,000 feed subscribers, and all sorts of reviews, interviews, and other interesting things in the archives. Which is why today seemed like a good day to post another survey.

There are two new questions. The others are either identical to last year’s, or just slightly updated. And the last one is no longer my favorite, though you’ll still geek out over it.

Click on the topmost link or right here to take the short survey. In a few days I’ll publish the results so you can see more about the other nerds who you’re reading with.


— Shawn

The Second Short shawnblanc.net Survey