These are fantastic suggestions from Amir Salihefendić. It does take a bit more intention to maintain a good async culture, but the end-result and side benefits are worth it. My team is “partially async” in that we have an office space and have most of our meetings in person, but we treat all communication as if we were remote. (see also: Nathan Barry’s remote team tips.)

Async Team Communication Tips

Why start small: Delight, to duty, back to delight again

When you begin a new habit and you’ve started taking action, only commit to it for 30 days or so. And then commit for another 30 days. Then commit for 90 days. Then commit for 6 months.

At first it’ll be fun. But then it will be hard and mundane.

If you start out by committing to do something for the rest of your life you’ll never make it. And how many people can say they woke up at 5:00 am every day for their entire life? Seasons change, needs change, things change, you change. So your daily habits will change, too, and that’s okay.

Start with something you know you can do. And then do it again. And again. Not only is this more realistic, it also is a way to build up trust with yourself. You will feel confident deciding to get up early every day for the next six months because you already did it for 30-days in a row.

Why start small: Delight, to duty, back to delight again

Fear Setting and going “Worst Case”

There is a difference between worry and preparedness. You cannot be fully prepared for anything. So do your best to prepare and mitigate your risks, but then move on. Consider the risks and then live your life.

Successful people are quick to make a decision and slow to change their minds. (They get results and feedback before making new decisions.) Unsuccessful people never get traction because they are slow to make a decision and then quick to change their minds (often based on emotions).

Fear Setting and going “Worst Case”

Love this quote from Adam Grant on procrastination: “Many people procrastinate because they’re waiting for their motivation to rise. They forget that getting started is what leads their motivation to rise. Passion is not a prerequisite for progress. It’s often the result of progress.”

Quote of the Day

If you’d like to get a little more organized and focused in your life, then check this out…

Next week I’m teaching a free, one-hour class that goes behind the scenes with my two personal productivity frameworks.

This is great even for folks who hate productivity and organization. (Seriously!)

When I taught this class about 6 weeks ago, it had the most registrations of any workshop we’ve hosted before.

You don’t want to miss this.

What we’ll cover at the workshop

  • How to eliminate 90% of the busywork, urgency, and procrastination from your week.
  • How to get more breathing room in your schedule (even if it feels impossible).
  • How everyone in my company is able to take off two months (paid) every year.
  • Our two productivity frameworks: The 5 Components of a Focused Life and the 4-Focus Method
  • BONUS: Free “Productivity Flywheel” cheat sheet.
  • BONUS: Productivity Templates: Get a free copy of our daily, weekly, monthly planning templates.

RSVP here for your link to join us live (or to get replay access).

How to (mostly) eliminate busywork and procrastination

If you’re working toward a desired outcome, but aren’t seeing any progress or results yet, here’s why:

  1. It’s too early
  2. You’re doing the wrong action
  3. You’re not actually doing what you say or think you are

If 1: then it’s a matter of patience. Don’t quit.

If 2: then it’s a matter of strategy. Try something new and measure your results.

If 3: then it’s a matter of focus. Track your actions and don’t give in to distractions.

Three reasons you’re not seeing results (yet)