The task-management app that’s been in beta for years, and which many people thought was abandoned, is now officially a 1.0 release. And it looks great. Moreover, there is a corresponding iOS app (sounds like iPhone-only) that is pending approval in the App Store.
The desktop version has always been popular. And rightfully so: it is fast, easy to use, and has a slightly different approach for organizing and displaying your tasks compared to Things or OmniFocus. In fact, for those that love the simplicity of Things but wish for the syncing of OmniFocus, then The Hit List might be right up your alley.
The Hit List is shipping with over-the-air syncing for all your desktop and iOS versions right out of the box. Though syncing is by way of a paid subscription service that will cost you two bucks a month or $20 a year.
The Hit List costs $50, and is even available in the Mac App Store. But if you happened to get a serial number for The Hit List during the MacHeist Bundle of 2009 then that serial number still works.