Lots of good news for fans of Simplenote and/or WordPress from Matt Mullenweg.

Regarding how Simplenote and WordPress fit in together:

Simperium [the syncing engine that powers Simplenote] is at the core of several new things we’re either building or hope to build in the near future. We’re investing quite a bit to make the service robust and flexible for our needs as a top-ten internet site, and that development will benefit everyone who uses the service much the same way our investment in anti-spam benefits the internet at large through Akismet. You will start to see the Simperium engine make its way into almost everything we do.

And regarding the sustainability of Simplenote:

The beauty of Simplenote being under Automattic’s wing is that we are already blessed with incredibly fruitful businesses. […] Our main goal is to pour our heart into something and make it great, then [share] it with the world. I find Simplenote indispensable, delightful, and use it every day, and I hope you will too.

I have a lot of respect for Matt Mullenweg and the business he has built around WordPress. It sounds like Simplenote has a very bright future.

Matt Mullenweg On the new Simplenote and WordPress