A very welcome update, though the iPad design looks a lot like just a bigger version of the iPhone’s.

Update: Federico Viticci has a great review of Rdio 2.0 and all its new features. As I’ve been using the iPad and iPhone apps this afternoon and evening, I agree even more with his sentiment regarding the design of the iPad version:

Second, I’d like the iPad version of the app to always show the sidebar. Right now, several areas of the iPad client look like a blown-up iPhone app, whereas others show that the Rdio team took advantage of the larger screen with grid views and modal windows. However, in albums or playlists the interface is made by a vertical list that looks awfully similar to the Android tablet apps Tim Cook made fun of. There’s too much wasted space that could otherwise be used for the sidebar or, perhaps even better, the social ticker that is still exclusive to the Mac app and web player.

Rdio for iOS Updated to 2.0