Yesterday my favorite calendar app got a nice update. Fantastical now supports iCloud reminders.

It’s funny, when I first saw the release notes I thought they meant pop-up notifications for event reminders. But no, it’s the to-do items that exist in your iPhone’s Reminders app. And what’s great is that the same natural text recognition that works for creating events also works for creating reminders.

You just type in “Remind me to call my mom tomorrow” and Fantastical will know you’re creating a reminder, not an event, and set the due date for tomorrow. My only quibble here is that you can’t set a specific time for a reminder, only a day.

You can type into Fantastical the same way you would talk to Siri. I often wish that Siri had a way to type in my commands. If I’m in a place where I can’t or don’t want to speak out loud to my iPhone, it would be quicker and easier if there were a way for me to type in my natural language command for Siri rather than having to manually create an event or reminder.

Fantastical 1.3