A great review by Marco Arment, comparing the pros, cons, and similarities of the three major E-Ink touch-screen e-readers. After posting my review of the Kindle Touch many readers wrote in to ask which device I would ultimately recommend: the Kindle Touch, the Nook Simple Touch, or the Kindle 4. Marco’s review answers that question.

Also, Marco takes away points from the Kindle Touch because of its sluggish responsiveness. I mentioned the Kindle Touch’s slow response times in my review as well, but since the Kindle Touch is the first and only E-Ink device I’ve used I assumed the sluggishness was due to to the nature of the E-Ink. But, you can see in his video that the non-touch Kindle 4 turns pages much quicker than the Kindle Touch.

The Kindle Touch compared to Nook Simple Touch, Kobo Touch, and Kindle 4