Edito enables the editing and rendering of Markdown files in style. Its extended keyboard and TextExpander support facilitate the access to Markdown shortcuts; the integrated browser makes the insertion of links painless. Fully tested for iOS 4.2, the latest release features customizable interfaces (Classic, Minimal, Black) improving the app’s usability.

Edito is the easiest way to produce html-formatted content on the iPad, and we are committed to make this experience the simplest one. Dropbox support, folders, and importing of Scrivener files are all in the works.

[Sponsor] Edito: iPad’s Missing Markdown Editor

Here’s a great article by Frank Chimero on the difference between hype and enthusiasm related to design, product development, and content. In short, if you’ve got crummy content promoted by a crackerjack design then at its best it’s just hype. Design won’t ever rise above its content.

I’ve had an essay about marketing drafted for months which would make a good companion piece to Frank’s article. To summarize: marketing should value impact over impressions, and the most effective “tools” for marketing are content and products.

“Design Can’t Rise Above its Content”

Many thanks to Dayta for sponsoring the RSS Feed this week. Dayta is a great way to track any sort of statistic or data point in your everyday life. Such as how many cups of coffee you drink each day, how many emails you get, or how many friends and family members ask you to do free tech support for the new iPad they’ll be getting over the holiday.

If you haven’t checked out Dayta you should. It’s fun, easy to use, has a rich UI, and is just two bucks in the iTunes App Store.


Many thanks to Notesy for sponsoring the RSS Feed this week. Notesy is an iPhone note-taking app with pizzazz. It has a simple and minimal feel yet still comes with some attractive options, especially related to typography. Moreover, Notesy works with Dropbox so it’ll sync your notes with Notational Velocity and any other note-taking app you have that syncs to Dropbox.

Notesy is just $2 in the App Store, and if you pick it up now you’ll get the iPad update for free once it ships.
