“An Archive of Book Cover Designs and Designers for the Purpose of Appreciation and Categorization.”

“An Archive of Book Cover Designs and Designers for the Purpose of Appreciation and Categorization.”

Designing cover art for books and music has got to be one of the most challenging of all professional graphic design jobs. Not only must you convey the subject matter and the feel of what’s inside, you must do so with such artistic brilliance as to get a non-motivated buyer to purchase the product with little more information than what they’ve briefly seen on the cover you designed.

A few covers that caught my eye were Paul Sahre’s design of The Bill from My Father, because it’s simple and intriguing; Christopher Brand’s design of For Whom the Bell Tolls, because I’m a fan of Ernest Hemingway; and John Gall’s design of Like You’d Understand Anyway, because it’s so absurd. (In fact you should browse through all of John Gall’s cover designs – they’re fantastic.)

“An Archive of Book Cover Designs and Designers for the Purpose of Appreciation and Categorization.”