Sponsoring shawnblanc.net is the best way to promote your product, app, service, or company directly to the site’s readership and visitors. Your sponsorship also helps significantly so I can keep doing the work I am doing here.
To schedule a sponsorship, or if you have any questions, please do email Shawn Blanc.
This site’s readership is a creative, influential, and entrepreneurial group of tech- and design-savvy Mac nerds who have an affinity for fine software and products.
To book a sponsorship, please email Shawn Blanc.
**When you book a sponsorship, here is what you get:**
* A sponsored link post on shawnblanc.net, published at the beginning of the week and served to the RSS and Twitter feeds (15,000 RSS and Twitter subscribers).
* Text-link ad in the sidebar for all web page views during the week of your sponsorship. (Average monthly pageviews: 75,000)
Discounts are available for if you want to book more than one week.