Survey Says…

Last week I asked you what your biggest challenge was.

The question was in the form of a very simple, 4-option survey where you just clicked the statement that sounded most true right now.

The statements were:

  • “I want to do better creative work.”
  • “I’m trying to be more focused with my time and energy.”
  • “I’m trying to build and serve my audience.”
  • “I want to improve my tools and workflows.”

The response to this “survey” surprised me. Though it probably shouldn’t have.

Long-time readers of the site no doubt remember when I primarily wrote about the latest apps and gadgets.

However, over the past year I’ve been primarily writing and podcasting about focus.

In fact, that shift happened on July 28, 2014. That’s the day I began a new topical series on my podcast, Shawn Today. The topics were components of a focused life, getting a life vision, planning your day, making lifestyle changes to support your goals, having deep personal integrity related to your own commitments, the tyranny of the urgent, and more.

Those podcast episodes were the beginning of my work to build The Focus Course. And their content overflowed into the writing and podcasting I’ve been doing on the Weekly Briefly and here on on

I guess it should have come as no surprise that when I asked you what your biggest challenge is right now, the overwhelming response was this:

“I’m trying to be more focused with my time and energy.”

Here’s a chart showing the breakdown of responses to the survey:

survey results

  • 12-percent of you are interested in audience building.
  • 18-percent of you want to improve your tools and workflows.
  • 23-percent of you want to do better creative work.
  • 46-percent of you want to be more focused with your time and energy.

These results are exciting to me because the challenge of being more focused with our time and energy is something I’m extremely passionate about.

However, it’s also clear to me that I could be doing a MUCH better job helping you find solutions and make meaningful progress in these areas.

That said, I already have several things in mind for exactly how to better help you with focus (aside from the obvious solution of The Focus Course itself). Alas, the new ideas still need some ground work, so that is something which will have to wait for a future post.

Survey Says…