Facing the Talent Ceiling

I’m working on something, and it’s for people who make things. As part of this project I would love to hear your story about overcoming the ceiling of talent.

If you’re someone who makes things — a designer, developer, writer, photographer, singer, musician, painter, sculptor, entrepreneur, podcaster, et al. — then you know what I mean about hitting the limit of your skills and being in that place where your vision and desire to do amazing work is bigger than your ability to actually create that work.

What do you do when your desire to do good work is bigger than your ability to actually create that work?

I’d love to hear about your own talent ceilings and what you have done / are doing to overcome them. And then, I’d love to share some of your stories here and as a part of this thing I’m working on. (If you’re not okay with your story being shared, or if you want it to remain anonymous, just let me know.)

Send me an email: desk@shawnblanc.net


— Shawn

P.S. You may have noticed that I put this same question to Twitter and ADN yesterday. The emails I got were so inspiring and encouraging that I wanted to cast the net larger.

Facing the Talent Ceiling