When I ran the in-house design team for the International House of Prayer we worked in an open office. Seventeen people and their desks with no cubicles or walls. We loved it because it was open and refreshing and you felt connected to the team. And it worked because we honored a rule of no talking, and no interrupting other people at their desk.

Everyone had iChat (back then it wasn’t yet called Messages) open and if you needed to talk to someone, even if they were in the desk next to you, you’d send them an instant message. And if their iChat status was set to “away” then it meant they were busy and in the zone and you would just have to hold your horses for a bit.

In short, if you spend any amount of time using the Mac’s Messages app (R.I.P. iChat) for conversing with peers and/or co-workers, then Chatology is for you. Because a lot of useful, helpful, and random information gets shared and this app makes it a breeze to find those past chats and/or whatever links or files where passed. You can even filter your searches to only show chats with images or links.

Like Ben wrote in his review, Chatology isn’t for everybody, but those who could use it are going to love it.
