There are a handful of YouTube videos I’ve been meaning to link to but just haven’t yet — they’ve been collecting dust in the Link Attic. Well, Friday seems like a great day to share them, so here’s the first one.

Now, instead of saving the best for last, I’m kicking off “YouTube Friday” with what is one of my favorite YouTube clips of all time. I can’t say what it is about this ironing video that I love so much, but it’s just awesome. Maybe it’s the meticulousness and skill with which the man irons that shirt, or maybe it’s the neat-freak in me loving to see that wrinkly shirt get ironed out, or maybe it’s because this gives me hope that I don’t always have to suck at ironing.

Who knew that ironing could be a craft? It makes me wonder how many shirts this man has ironed. Would he even tolerate the cheap Black & Decker iron and squeaky ironing table that are hiding in my closet feeling very insecure and inadequate?

Just A Man Ironing A Shirt