The Magazine launches today. It’s the new endeavor by Marco Arment. It’s an iOS Newsstand publication:
The Magazine is for people who love technology, especially the internet, mobile, truly great personal computers, and related fields influenced by technology such as photography, publishing, music, and even coffee.
This morning, while my 7-month-old rolled around in his play yard, I drank a cup of Guatemalan AeroPressed coffee and read through the first edition. Both the content and the app are simply fantastic.
It’s an awesome idea, executed very well. Moreover, Marco is putting his money where his mouth is in terms of values for digital publishing: The Magazine puts a lot of trust into the goodwill of the subscribers and a lot of honor towards the writers.
I’m honored to have been asked to be a regular contributor. Marco is a great guy to work with and I agree a lot with his business practices and values when it comes to digital publishing. In a couple weeks, you’ll find an article by yours truly in issue number 2.