This new-to-me website — officially known as “ifttt” (how do you pronounce that?) — is brilliant. I signed up yesterday (it looks like it’s currently in public beta), and it only took about a minute to realize ifttt’s potential handiness.

The whole basis of ifttt is that it puts the internet to work for you. You can create tasks based on the structure “if this then that”, and the site has dozens of triggers and actions to populate that equation with.

An example action (ifttt calls them recipes) would be: “If it’s going to rain tomorrow then text message me.”

I set up a recipe so that I get an email with the link to any item I star in Google Reader. It used to be that when I was reading feeds on my iPad and I came across an item I wanted to link to here on the site, I would email myself that article. Now I simply star it and it’ll still show up in my email inbox.

If This Then That