Seth’s Blog

Seth’s Blog

I inadvertently got my wife hooked on Seth Godin last week when I ordered some of his books off Amazon. She saw me reading Permission Marketing and asked who in the world would put a picture of their bald head on the cover of their book.

I told her the guy is a great writer, and has awesome ideas. They’re the kind of ideas that may never apply to you, but you’re glad you heard them, and you hope the right person does hear them, because you know it will make the world a little bit better.

One of my favorite posts (one that after I read it, I had the exact reaction described above) is this one on McDonald’s dipping sauce:

99 people out of a hundred take one or two packets of sauce. One guy takes 20. This is infuriating. You lost money on this guy. He’s a pig. He probably hordes the sauce and uses it on his eggs in the morning or whatever.

Seth’s Blog