Random Screenshots From My Day

Like most of you, I spend the majority of my day on my laptop or in my office. I thought I would catalog a few random moments from my day using screenshots. Enjoy.

8:45 AM:

Saw this add on The Big Noob front page. Pretty pathetic on Verizon’s part.

Verizon Sells the iPhone?

11:15 AM:

Deleting spam off The Fight Spot. Who would have guessed these guys are blogging now?


12:05 PM:

TFS got listed as a weblog using “Grid Based Design.” Gosh, I love the squished screenshot effect they’re using here to hightlight the grid features. It really makes the sites look great. However, I was honored to be featured next to Derek and Khoi.

The Fight Spot, Grid Based Design

12:24 PM:

Think Secret Leopard Screenshots

Leopard New Dock

1:18 PM:

MySQL database hickupped for a few minutes.


1:38 PM:

bleed.no. Wow.


4:43 PM:

Helped Anna set up her new iPod Shuffle. Named after a C.S. Lewis character, of course.

iPod Shuffle - Puddleglum

7:43 PM:

Drummed with Rizzo and Band for the Friday night service. One of the best moments in my drumming career. Seriously.

(Screenshot via Josh).

Shawn Blanc Drumming

Shawn Blanc Drumming

Random Screenshots From My Day