Open Letter to Steve Jobs, From an iPhone Owner

An Open Letter To Steve Jobs, From An iPhone Owner

Thanks. You didn’t have to do it, but you did. And that means a lot. […]

Motorola never apologized, or thanked me for being an early adopter. The idea of them having to apologize never crossed my mind.

I left the good parts of the post out of the above blockquote.

Of all the iPhone reactions I’ve come across this was the only one I pointed out to my wife. Brett’s weblog is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Open Letter to Steve Jobs, From an iPhone Owner

Do Unto Others

Do Unto Others

Cameron Hunt –

I’ve un-followed most of the tumblelogs I follow on Tumblr Dashboard. I put most of them in my bookmarks, and I’m going to visit them instead of read their content on the Dashboard.

99% of the articles I read I do so outside of NetNewsWire. (Which is why I love the “arrow out” feature.)

I think an article should be read on the author’s homepage because that is where the text and code were crafted to seamlessly co-exist. In most cases it is the best reader experience, and is the most polite to the author.

Aside: Publishers should still offer full feeds because it should be the reader’s prerogative to visit the website or not.

Do Unto Others

Links to help get out of debt

Links to help get out of debt

Josh speed links to some great resources.

I’m always on the lookout for financial tips, especially in terminology I can easily understand. Here’s a list of some sites and resources that have been pushing us in the right direction.

When my wife and I got married our number one financial goal was to get out of debt, and stay out. It was one of the best things we have ever done for our finances. Also, reading Dave Ramsey’s book was a huge motivation-pumper-upper.

Links to help get out of debt

Not only is this a great new bookmark, but Brent is a cool guy.

A couple weeks ago, I decided to start playing with RSS feeds and automated search links, etc. What I ended up with was a one page listing of Mac-tastic information pulled from all over the internet.

Updated iPhone Linked List

My iPhone Linked List

This page is a perfect one-stop shop for two types of people:

1) Those who currently have an iPhone and want in on the discoveries and web-apps being published but don’t have time to surf the internet like crazy.

2) Those who hope to get an iPhone some day, don’t want to miss out on the developments taking place right now and are not particularly looking forward to digging through archives.

I just updated it with about a dozen more links. I’m not gonna lie to you. There are great articles, tips and other stuff is in there.

Updated iPhone Linked List

The Nod

The Nod

…you don’t see Vista users doing it. You don’t see many cell phone users doing it. But I suspect it’s only a matter of time before you get your first iPhone nod.

Another good one from Brett.

The Nod