This is a great review of what’s got to be one of the hottest cameras on the market right now. The RX1 is, more or less, the guts, power, and ability of a full-frame DSLR tucked into the body of a compact.
When I bought my Olympus a few months ago, one of my fears was that I’d soon feel it was out of date and that something better was available. But reading Duncan’s review of the RX1 was actually an encouragement to me that I made the right choice with the E-PL5 and Panasonic 20/1.7. Duncan is a professional photographer with so much more experience and know-how than me it’s not even funny. Yet he loves the small size of the RX1 and the fast 35mm prime that’s attached to it and hasn’t felt held back at all. In short, if he’s satisfied with his camera considering his skill level, then there’s no reason for me to be unsatisfied with my rig considering my skill level — I haven’t even come close to feeling held back by the Olympus.