Yesterday, Sunday, I flew in to California for WWDC. Here are a few photos from my first day at WWDC 2019.
Even though the conference is in San Jose, I first flew into San Fransisco to meet with a friend for dinner.
At my layover in Las Vegas.
My WWDC travel bag. (Read here for more details.)
Outside Marlowe restaurant in Soma.
After dinner in San Fransisco, I hopped the Cal Train to San Jose and got in just in time to meet up with a bunch of other Apple nerds…
Stephen Hackett and me. (Photo by Mike Hurley.)
With Federico Viticci and “Underscore” David Smith. (Photo by Mike Hurley.)
Myke Hurley.
Side note… I forgot my iPad’s SD Card reader! And, to top it all off, there’s a bug with the Leica Q app on my iPad that is keeping me from being able to import photos.
So let’s just say my photography workflow this trip is a bit convoluted. Here’s what it looks like…
I am using the Leica Q app to connect the camera to my iPhone via the camera’s built-in WiFi. Then I transfer the JPG files over to my iPHone. And then I transfer them via AirDrop to my iPad where I can edit them.
Normally, I’d just plug in the SD card reader dongle and transfer the RAW files directly to my iPad. Ah well.