This is a principle that Jim Rohn taught. It goes like this:
The longer you wait to take action, the less likely you are to take action.
Meaning, when you get clarity about something because of a lightbulb moment when in the shower, or you get advice from someone that just makes sense, that’s when you have the most energy to take action.
Thus, whatever it is, you should take action as quickly as possible. Immediately if possible. Why? Because, over time, your intention and motivation for taking action will diminish.
Michael Hyatt, whom I first learned this from, says to “never leave the scene of clarity without taking action.”
For the sake of taking action, the best thing you can do is act now. If, for some reason, you cannot act now, make a note to yourself about what you need to do and then follow your own advice as soon as possible.
Many folks, for whatever reason, are prone to waiting. Why? What purpose does it serve to sit on it?
Often we delay because of fear or doubt. In his book, The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday writes:
Life can be frustrating. Oftentimes we know wha our problems are. We may even know what to do about them. But we fear that taking action is too risky, that we don’t have the experience or that it’s not how we pictured it or because it’s too expensive, because it’s too soon, because we think something better might come along, because it might now work.
And you know what happens as a result? Nothing. We do nothing.
Choosing not to move forward has the same result as being stuck, unable to move forward at all.
Holiday continues to say that courage, at its most basic level, is really just taking action.
Once you are clear on what needs to be done, there is no advantage in procrastination. Take action and move on.