Safari 4 UI breakdown

Safari 4 UI breakdown

Sebastiaan hits the nail on the head that this is not just a faster browser with some noticeable interface changes. Yes, the major features are obvious, but there are many subtle touches surrounding those features which make it a whole new ‘experience’.

I am the most sad about the loss of the address bar’s blue progress indicator. That was one of the first UI features I noticed about OS X on my friends iBook over 5 years ago, and is the missing feature that throws me off the most in Safari 4.

And what’s my favorite new feature? CMD+OPT+F (UPDATE: Apparently this feature is old school. Something that would have been nice to know earlier. Next thing you know, I’ll find out that this same feature works in Mail too… Doh!)

Safari 4 UI breakdown

Doubt is Torture

A while back, Rands gave a recommended book shout out on Twitter. Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg. I ordered a used copy on Amazon for about $4 and have been reading a chapter or two every night for the past few weeks.

Reading Natalie’s book is a lot like sitting in on a question and answer time where people ask all the right questions and she gives all the right answers.

You don’t have to read the book front to back either. The chapters are short and can be read in any order you like; each one is its own little nugget of advice or food for thought. After a short time of reading her book, Natalie already feels like a trusted friend; someone who’s not afraid to shoot it straight; someone who has nothing to hide.

So far I have been reading the book straight through, because I’m systematic like that. But last night I decided to skip to a random chapter. I landed on page 108, “Doubt is Torture”.

This chapter is so good I wanted to share it here:

A friend of mine was planning to move to Los Angeles with the hope of connecting with the music industry. He was a musician and songwriter, and it was time for him to follow his aspirations. Katagiri Roshi said to him, “Well, if you’ve really decided to go, let’s see what your attitude is.”

“Well, I’ll try my best. I figure I have to give it a shot, and if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. I’ll just accept it.”

Roshi responded, “That’s the wrong attitude. If they knock you down, you get up. If they knock you down again, get up. No matter how many times they knock you down, get up again. That is how you should go.”

The same is true in writing. For every book that makes it, there are probably thousands that don’t even get published. We must continue anyway. If you want to write, write. If one book doesn’t get published, write another one. Each one will get better because you have all the more practice behind you.

Every other month I am ready to quit writing. The inner dialogue goes something like this: “This is stupid. I am making no money, there’s no career in poetry, no one cares about it, it’s lonely, I hate it, it’s dumb, I want a regular life.” These thoughts are torture. Doubt is torture. If we give ourselves fully to something, it will be clearer when it might be appropriate to quit. It is a constant test of perseverance. Sometimes I listen to the doubting voice and get sidetracked for a while. “I think I’ll go into sales, open up a cafe so other writers can go there, sip cappuccino and write, or get married, have babies, be a homemaker and make wonderful chicken dinners.”

Don’t listen to doubt. It leads no place but to pain and negativity. It is the same with your critic who picks at you while you are trying to write: “That’s stupid. Don’t say that. Who do you think you are anyway, trying to be a writer?” Don’t pay attention to those voices. There is nothing helpful there. Instead, have a tenderness and determination toward your writing, a sense of humor and a deep patience that you are doing the right thing. Avoid getting caught by that small gnawing mouse of doubt. See beyond it to the vastness of life and the belief in time and practice.

What Natalie says here is incredibly relevant to the “self publishing revolution”. Yet she wrote this back in 1986 — way before weblogs were around.

I try to encourage people to start a weblog. I am amazed at how many people consider themselves a writer, or who hope to become one, and weblogs have done something that journals never did. They’ve given an extra push of motivation to those people who always wanted to write, but never did.

Unfortunately, it seems the same motivation which encourages us to publish, also feeds those voice of self-doubt that Natalie talks about. I don’t know how many posts I’ve started and deleted because I thought they weren’t relevant or exciting or interesting enough. Which is why I love this sentence so much: “Instead, have a tenderness and determination toward your writing, a sense of humor and a deep patience that you are doing the right thing. Avoid getting caught by that small gnawing mouse of doubt.”

I’ve been publishing online since the beginning of 2006. It is a medium that works for me, and I am confident without it I would not be writing as well or as often. But the difficulty and the doubt of writing never seem to go away. I either learn to press through or quit.

I’m digging Writing Down the Bones because it’s helping me become a better writer, not just to write better. And yes, there is a difference.

Doubt is Torture

The Problem With Email Clients

The Problem With Email Clients

Alex fails to mention the real problem: email itself.

I’m thinking we should all take a break from email for 30 days. Those we have to communicate with we could call or talk to in person. Those we don’t have to work with wouldn’t be able to infringe on our time because they don’t have our phone numbers. And we may just end up having meaningful dialog with our friends and family instead of keeping in touch by sending shallow links to funny YouTube videos.

What say ye?

The Problem With Email Clients


With their acquisition of Feedburner last summer, Google has begun slowly migrating all Feedburner feeds over to new servers and new systems. The migration should result in more reliable feed delivery for you and more accurate subscriber stats for me.

You all should continue to receive new posts, since the old Feedburner URL should continue redirect to the new one indefinitely. But, to be sure, you may want to update anyway:


Alex Payne’s argument for why the catch-all, information organizing apps such as Yojimbo and Evernote are not worth their trouble — let alone their cost for a license.

A timely article. I have been storing and organizing my files and data via file structure for years and years and years, but just recently have been considering switching to a dedicated info organization app. I tried Yojimbo for a few weeks last year and it never caught on for me. Over the weekend I gave Evernote a spin, and though it’s neat that data can sync between Mac, Web and iPhone it seems too messy. Like I have to work with the app, instead of the other way around.

They say a good filing system means you can find anything you’re looking for in under 60 seconds. My issue wasn’t that my Mac’s folder structure is messy, but rather to see if a data storage app could do a better job of organizing my files and info than the system (and habit) I’ve crafted over the past two decades. I’ve decided – at least for now – that the answer is, no.

The Case Against Everything Buckets

Monday By Noon Joins Fusion Ads

Monday By Noon Joins Fusion Ads

Linking to Jonathan’s site over a year ago, I said:

Monday By Noon is a great idea. I always thought posting once a week on Mondays would be a runaway concept.

Jonathan writes on web design once a week and publishes his article every Monday before noon so you can have something to read during your lunch break.

This site is a fantastic addition to Fusion if I do say so myself. Jonathan is also the man behind SuggestRSS.

Monday By Noon Joins Fusion Ads