
Shawnblanc.net has gotten a bit of attention over the past week. In fact, since I posted my delightful interview with Brent this site has gotten more traffic each day than it normally sees in a week. (Much thanks to John, Brent, and TUAW.)

Instead of pretending like nothing out of the ordinary is happening I thought I’d take this chance to say hi.


Although I have been publishing to the Web for almost two years, this here website is only 7 weeks old. After exactly 100 posts, it looks as if I am focused on excellent writing, design (print and web) and Mac geekery.

If you like, you can read all sorts of fun things about myself and Shawnblanc.net on the Colophon page.

Additionally, I’ve taken the liberty to suggest a few things you may want to do while you’re here –

  1. Subscribe to the RSS Feed

  2. Follow me on Twitter

  3. Read the review I wrote about my Mac Pro

Thanks for reading. Good luck and God speed.

— Shawn
