Like most of you, I spend the majority of my day on my laptop or in my office. I thought I would catalog a few random moments from my day using screenshots. Enjoy.
8:45 AM:
Saw this add on The Big Noob front page. Pretty pathetic on Verizon’s part.
11:15 AM:
Deleting spam off The Fight Spot. Who would have guessed these guys are blogging now?
12:05 PM:
TFS got listed as a weblog using “Grid Based Design.” Gosh, I love the squished screenshot effect they’re using here to hightlight the grid features. It really makes the sites look great. However, I was honored to be featured next to Derek and Khoi.
12:24 PM:
Think Secret Leopard Screenshots
1:18 PM:
MySQL database hickupped for a few minutes.
1:38 PM: Wow.
4:43 PM:
Helped Anna set up her new iPod Shuffle. Named after a C.S. Lewis character, of course.
7:43 PM:
Drummed with Rizzo and Band for the Friday night service. One of the best moments in my drumming career. Seriously.
(Screenshot via Josh).